Saturday, January 15, 2011

Heading Home

Hello everyone!

I am currently sitting at the airport in "Nawlins" waiting for the plane to arrive in less than an hour.  We plan to arrive in Milwaukee around 5:40 and be in De Pere by 8.  Thus, we won't be able to watch the Packer game, but we will listen to it on the way home.  We all had an AMAZING time here!  Some are even contemplating on doing some student teaching here.  I have a couple of post from other classmates.  All of the photos are currently uploaded on my Facebook account.  I'll probably post one or two more time next week.


Today was a fantastic day.  I did some word work with some kindergartners in Guided Reading.  We read "The Oak Street Party."  We made "sight word" cakes.  If the students heard a word that was on their candle, they could rip off the flame.  Once all of their flames are out, they could make a birthday wish! After school, we took a trip over to Dr. M's condo.  We waited for the Street Car for about 20 minutes when we decided since we were young college students, we could just make the trip on foot.  Two miles later, Em was huffing and puffing but sitting in Dr. M's condo putting together a quilt.  Noelle and I worked really hard on making this quilt.  We laminated sentence strips and construction paper for about 30 minutes.  Then spent about 30 more minutes cutting it up.  We used my Baby Alpaca yarn to tie the patches together!  I also was bound and determined to buy glue sticks for our students: none of them work and resources are minimal.  I picked up some pencils, crayons and a sharper as well.  Twenty bucks to supply a classroom.  That's all it takes.  As I look around, it is 12:15 and I am the only person in the lobby.  This means that I really need to get to bed!!!  Tomorrow will be a bittersweet day as it will be our last day teaching.  However that doesn't mean I can slack on the sleep part, after all, Noelle and I are teaching for most of the day!!!  We are going to need all the sleep we can get!!!

I cannot believe our time at Jeff Morris is over :( The hardest thing to do today was to say good-bye to our students.  Two were crying so hard it broke our hearts.  They wouldn't leave for their bus and almost missed it.  We told our children they were special and to dream big.  Our lesson on MLK was absolutly amazing!  Noelle and I got a little tangled with our quit, but nevertheless, it was a true success.  It was an honor to work with them.  I want to return to New Orleans to teach one day; I have never felt so much at home.

Until I blog again,
Mr. Tim

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